Welcome to August

It’s been a long long time since I’ve posted on here but don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about you. Now that Charlie has graduated its me-time and that includes getting back to what I love blogging and showcasing companies through reviews and giveaways along with advice to help us all succeed.

To begin with please help me thank Elle Emme and her husband for taking the time to get me back on track. Be watching as the Holidays approaches and I share her store with you.

In the meantime be blessed and I will be back in a little while as I am off to Swim for the first time this Summer to kick off my weight loss.

For those that haven’t been here in a while it’s been 4 years since I’ve touched this site and it’s to pretty to let sit. Help me introduce it to the world and if you have something you would like shared leave me a comment and I will get it up on here ASAP.

Wish me luck

Thank you,

G, C and D Cates