August 6 National Wiggle Your Toes Day #WiggleYourToesDay

Life is funny I put socks on this morning and I’ve been sitting at my desk working and moving my ankle and wiggling my toes to keep my foot from going to sleep. I didn’t even August 6th was National Wiggle Your Toes Day #WiggleYourToesDay. Did you?

I’ve been celebrating all morning long. I just wish I had some nice soft sand to bury my toes into and to bring out and wiggle. That isn’t going to happen anytime soon. Which doesn’t stop me from wiggling my toes while watching a movie or working. Come and join me.

We can put out feet up on my coffee table and we can see who can wiggle there toes the most. Even though feet don’t belong on the table David and Charlie will say. Once in a while its okay to break the rules. Isn’t it?

National Wiggle Your Toes Day is celebrated on August 6 every year. Simply put, it’s a fun day for you to show off your toes. Let your toes breathe in open sandals and indulge in public wiggling adventures on National Wiggle Your Toes Day.

Our toes don’t get the attention that they deserve. Nevertheless, our toes are responsible for helping us stand straight, provide gripping, and help us walk effortlessly. Why not go the extra mile this holiday and indulge in a pedicure to make your toe-wiggling adventures extra glamorous?

National Wiggle Your Toes Day Activities

  1. Wiggle your toes on National Wiggle Your Toes Day and shoot a video or make a GIF of you wiggling your toes to post on Social Media.
  2. I have a question for you. When was the last time you walked barefoot on the Beach or the Grass? Or the Sidewalk? National Wiggle Your Toes Day is the perfect day to let your toes breathe. For me personally I’m always outside without shoes and so is David. Not, Charlie ever.
  3. If your not a big fan of walking barefoot no worries purchase yourself a pair of funny socks today. See if you can find toe socks or sock with toes on them to celebrate Wiggle Your Toes Day.
  4. You can also treat your toes to a new shade of nail polish or even a pair of open-toe sandals. Go have a Pedicure because its okay to spend money today because your celebrating your feet.

Facts About Shoes

  1. Sneakers had rubber soles so that you could move around soundlessly.
  2. n the 10th Century, high heels were originally designed for the Persian cavalry, in order to keep their feet secure in stirrups.
  3. A study by Reuters states that the average American woman owns 19 pairs of shoes. Do you own that many? I sure don’t and I don’t want to. How about you?
  4. Did you know Dorothy’s ruby slippers from “The Wizard Of Oz” sold for a whopping $660,000.
  5. The first women’s boots, invented by J. Sparkes Hall, were created for Queen Victoria in 1837.

Why We Love National Wiggle Your Toes Day

  1. National Wiggle Your Toes Day allows us to indulge in some silly fun and you don’t have to do much to celebrate Wiggle Your Toes Day either and it doesn’t cost money just a little bit of time which we all have.
  2. Human anatomy is undoubtedly one of nature’s best creations. Take Wiggle Your Toes Day to admire how your toes help us stand still and facilitate movement.
  3. =Children especially love National Wiggle Your Toes Day which teaches us to appreciate and enjoy the small things in life.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates