Learning to be Grateful

My family took a trip to Hobart, Oklahoma to visit Charlie’s friend Makalia and after visiting her Hometown of Hobart, Oklahoma my families has learned to be grateful for the Town we live in. We may not have a Grocery Store in our home town or things for children to do but we can drive less than 10 minutes in any direction and have the things we need.

In Hobart, Oklahoma they do have 2 Grocery Stores and the tiniest Walmart Charlie and I’ve ever seen. Here in my hometown there is are 2 Walmart’s within 20 minutes of each other. Returants galore and lots of things for children to do as well as many Schools.

If I lived in Hobart’ Oklahoma I would have gone crazy the first week of living there but seeing the Apartment and how everyone was visiting back and forth reminded me of times past and I love that. Here no, one visit not even family unless its a Wedding or a Funeral.

Count your Blessings today and hug those you loved a little tighter and remember that even though things may not be perfect it could be a lot worse as my family learned yesterday. As Makeyla pointed out they life on Welfare walk everywhere and her mom is blind and fighting Cancer and we have no, clue how long she will be here with her famliy. As we were leaving there Landlord was letting them know there were going to have to get rid of the kids Dog and that is all they have.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates