August 8 International Cat Day #CatDay

Today is August 8th International Cat Day #CatDay. I thought I would share a picture of Cats you can color. As well as sharing information on Internation Cat Day with you. I do have a question for you. Do you have a Cat?

I don’t but I wish I did. I would like either a White Persian with Blue Eyes or a Grey Persian with Blue Eyes. My sister would like to have a Calico Kitten. Although her family has two kittens Socks and Nyla and they don’t want any more animals of any kind.

If you have a kitten can I come pet your Cat because I miss having a Kitten to cuddle with. Before you ask yes, I do have a Dog I love more than life it’s self but it isn’t a dog and no,, I’m not going to give up my dog to get a Kitten I would teach them to live together and yes, it can be done because I’ve done it in the past.

August 8th is International Cat Day a day to celebrate one of man’s most common and ancient pets. Cats have even been worshiped as Gods like in Egypt. Cats are one of the coolest beings on the planet: b3ecause Cats are independent, inquisitive, adventurous, have an amazing physiognomy, and the power to heal by themselves. At least most of the time.

Cats are carnivorous small furry mammals for the most part with four legs, a tail, and claws, that humans have domesticated as pets since ancient times, even though Cats have descended from the African Wildcat and Cats used to catch Vermin.

The first historical human record about Cats could be found in Ancient Egyptian Civilization’s culture. We all seem to relate Cats with Egyptians, because of their adoration and consideration of Cats as Gods. Mafdet was the first known Cat deity and was regarded as the protector against Snakes, Scorpions, and evil during the First Dynasty, so for them, Cats were not just deities, but also protectors.

Later, after the Egyptian Dynasty collapsed, Cats became popular everywhere! Greeks and Romans used Cats as pest control, and in the East, Cats were originally owned by rich and wealthy people. But during the Middle Ages, in Europe, Cats became associated with superstition and suspected of carrying the disease during the Black Death of 1348, that is the reason why too many Cats got killed in that era, and it wasn’t until the 1600s that the Cats’ reputation started to recover.

In America, Cats were part of the cargo on the colonization ships to minimize Vermin and disease, so those Cats went ashore and flourished. Nowadays, Cats seem to be one of the pop icons in modern society. We have about half of a billion among us. And, since 2002, thanks to the “International Fund for Animal Welfare” Cats have their own holiday!

Effective since August 3, 2020, the leading Cat welfare charity, International Cat Care, became the custodians of International Cat Day. Since 1958, they’ve challenged cruelty, ignorance, and misunderstanding to affect positive change in the lives of Cats.

With an estimated global population of 600 million Cats, half of which are thought to be unowned, their work has never been more important. To learn more about the charity, visit their website and see how you can help.

International Cat Day Traditions

Cats should be given the royal treatment on International Cat Day. Not that this isn’t already the case on most days, but Cats are especially pampered and showered with love today. Did you know Cats are the finickiest members of the family.

Om International Cat Day is spent catering to their every need; buying them their favorite treats and expensive Catnip, letting the Cats shred to their heart’s content, allowing our Cats to wail, and even tuning in to their favorite TV show because there are videos on the internet of Cats watching “Tom and Jerry.” Remember you can join them.

Not every Cat is lucky enough to have a good home where it enjoys a lavish lifestyle. Stray Cats are subjected to cruelty and injuries due to car accidents and other harmful situations, so donations are generously made to animal shelters and welfare organizations. Cats are also adopted and taken to their new homes, especially by children who are getting their first pet.

International Cat Day Activities

  1. There are many homeless Cats around the world, so what better day to show homeless Cats and Kittens respect and love than by giving them food and supplies!
  2. If you have a Cat, International Cat Day is the perfect day to have a great time and show love to your baby.
  3. Even if you don’t like Cats, remember to treat them with respect and kindness, take the occasion to spread awareness about respect to Cats on your Social Media.


  1. Merlin, a Black and White Cat from the U.K., has the record for the loudest purr and his purr is 67.8 db. Can you imagine hearing a Cat purr that loud?
  2. Your little kitty can hit the speeds of around 30 mph! Watch out world there coming.
  3. According to the “Guinness World Records”, when Blackie’s millionaire owner passed away, he got a 7-million-pound fortune. Wouldn’t that be nice?
  4. Cats can not detect sweetness, which explains why they are not drawn to it at all.
  5. According to science, Cats only use their meows to talk to humans and not to each other except to their mothers when they are Kittens. Did you know that?

Why People Love International Cat Day

  1. Holidays like Internationa Cat Day show off that as humans, we do love all living beings and there are more of us who respect and love Cats than those who don’t.
  2. It’s easy to get the idea that we are the most important beings on the planet, but as a lovely reminder: we are not alone so we need to respect the other beings’ rights and do our part starting with our pets.
  3. Did you know it’s is scientifically proven that Cats help to improve mental health as stress relievers just by being themselves! Petting a fuzzy feline can cause our bodies to produce stress-reducing hormones. I don’t know about you but I need to find a Cat today and try this because I’ve sure been stressed lately. How about you?

Check out these post on #Cats

365 Cats Page-A-Day® Calendar – The Mommies Reviews

Let’s Celebrate International Cat Day #CatDay

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates