Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake Co.
Charlie is dreading returning to school. Even though Charlie is homeschooling with Covid-19 and not knowing what is going to happen he is scared just like any child might be.Because no, one knows what is going to happen. I knew I needed to do something to ease Charlie’s mind since school is going to be different from years past.
I thought about putting together a list of Field Trips we could take. Charlie can’t invite his friends because they go to Public School. Except for the 1st six weeks Charlie’s friends will be doing Virtual School. Meaning they will attend school at home.
After talking to Charlie’s friends parents I decided even with Self Isolation we needed to create a support group for our children. I decided I would host a Back to School Party and serve snacks. For parents that don’t want to get out and talk they can drive by.
For the snacks I asked Charlie what he would like to serve. Charlie asked if I could get a Crumb Cake from Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake Co. I let Charlie know that would be fine. I reminded Charlie parents might not want to stop and eat. I let Charlie know it might be better to serve Cupcakes.
Charlie and I went and checked out Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake Co. We decided we would purchase Clarkson Avenue Crumbkins miniature Crumb Cakes. These will fit inside the Goody bags Charlie and I are assembling. We can purchase the variety packs so families have a chance to try out different flavors.
David asked Charlie what we were doing. Charlie let David know we were planning a Back to School Party. Charlie said I was ordering Clarkson Avenue Crumbkins. David said that was a great idea then David said we should order Clarkson Avenue Crumbkins for him to take to work.
I asked David what flavor would Clarkson Avenue Crumbkins he would like to purchase. David said instead of Clarkson Avenue Crumbkins could he get Blueberry Crumb Cake for his office staff and a extra one for my father in law who loves Blueberries. I said that would be fine. I asked David if one Crumb Cake would be enough and he said no, he might need two.
David looked through the website and he also picked out Brooklyn Blackout Crumb Cake which is the Crumb Cake I can’t wait to try. I reminded David that some people might not like chocolate and or someone might be allergic to chocolate and I suggested we also order Clarkson Classic Crumb Cake.