October 4 Cinnamon Roll Day #CinnamonRollDay

Running a business from home can become lonely just as #Homeschooling can because most of the time is spent at home. I thought it would be different when we moved into our Townhome but it hasn’t been. Even though my family has been here three years we don’t really know our neighbors.-

With Charlie looking for a job he will not be here a lot of time which will leave me at home by myself with the dogs. As much as I love them I can only carry on so many conversations with the dogs. Today is October 4 Cinnamon Roll Day #CinnamonRollDay.

I was thinking I would make some Cinnamon Rolls and go door to door and introduce myself and see if I can get to know some of my neighbors. When David gets home I also will make more Cinnamon Rolls and go out into my Community and visit local businesses to see if I can help them with anything.

You never know where networking will take you or how you might help someone or they might be able to help you. All the while allowing us to grow our business without breaking the bank. Even though Charlie isn’t #Homeschooling at the moment I plan on taking him with me because he needs to get out and stop hiding in his room. Would you want to come with us?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates