Plant Pets: 27 Cool Houseplants to Grow and Love

I wanted to share a children’s book I received to review which is called Plant Pets: 27 Cool Houseplants to Grow and Love. Plant Pets: 27 Cool Houseplants to Grow and Love is by Beatrice Boggs Allen (Author), Belle Boggs (Author). Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Gardening is a hobby I’ve always loved that I’ve shared with Charlie. My love of gardening came from my mom and dad’s mom’s. They both had gardens and as children we would help them in the garden during the Summer.

When Charlie was little I always would take Charlie with me to the Gardening Center to pick our Flowers. When Charlie was little he always wanted only pink Flowers. When Charlie wasn’t helping me he would help Granny Sherry with her Mums.

Even though we are in a Townhome now we have a back porch, front porch and a balcony. I always have Flowers on the front porch and plan on starting a Cactus Garden up on the balcony for Charlie which I want to turn into a man cave.

Having a copy of Plant Pets is going to help us bring our love of gardening inside because the Authors have shared 27 cool Houseplants to grow and love. I wish you could see the front cover of the book with Aloe Vera on it. I believe everyone should have a Aloe Ver a plant because it helps with burns we all get from time to time.

There is also a Fern on the cover which I also like. Inside the book is a not from each of the Authors and we learn Belle is the mom and Bea is the kid. I love how the Author has taken the time to break down words children might not know.

The Author has taken the time to include a section teaching us hot to get started in gardening. The Author has even given us ideas on where to keep our plants but I already have a spot picked out in my living room in front of my Window. I did like taking the light test so I would know if I picked out the right spot or not.

There is a lost of supplies we will need for our garden and it was nice to see most of the items can be purchased at our local Dollar Store and some of the items we already have in our home saving us money and time.

We learn about the orange pots you can find everywhere and you and your children can decorate the pots to decorate your garden with. I like how the Author has included a list of places to adopt plats from allowing us to get out of the home. She even gives us ideas of ways to get free Plants which would be amazing.

My favorite part of Plant Pets: 27 Cool Houseplants to Grow and Lovewas finding out what is pet-safe because we have Dogs in my home. Charlie and I learned about Plants we hadn’t ever heard of like a Pothos. Have you heard of them? Have you ever had one?

Why not throw a Plant-Pretty party thanks to the Authors of Plant Pets? Charlie liked the Venus Flytrap and he can’t wait to get one for his room. For the Holidays why not check out all the unique containers and pick some up for your friends and family?

There is crafts you can do in the book like making your own Aloe Vera Gel. Would you like to make some with Charlie and I? We learn how to create a Indoor Herb Garden I’ve always wanted to have in my kitchen. How about you?

Plant Pets: 27 Cool Houseplants to Grow and Love is for children of all ages and even adults will learn new facts about gardening from the Authors. I hope you take the time to check out Pet Plants not only for yourself but to share with your friends and family.

About the book:

Ten-year-old Beatrice Boggs Allen (along with her mom, Belle Boggs) introduces the 27 easiest and most fascinating houseplants that any kid can grow indoors.  

Maybe every kid can’t have an animal pet—but everyone can have a plant pet! That’s the message of ten-year-old author and houseplant enthusiast Beatrice (Bea) Boggs Allen. In this friendly book written specially for kids,

Bea tells all about the easiest, most fun, and affordable plants that can be grown indoors in pots. She shares her first-hand tips on caring for each plant, along with descriptions of each one’s unique attributes, from air plants to succulents, terrariums, and even carnivorous plants—the ones that eat insects!

The lively pages show up-close photos of each plant, along with funny illustrations that reflect Bea’s cheeky voice. Kids ages 7 and up will love Bea’s ideas for activities they can do to enjoy these amazing plants and share them with friends and family.

Meet the Author: Beatrice Boggs Allen

Beatrice Boggs Allen is co-author, with her mom, Belle, of Frog Trouble Times, a Substack where her favorite posts have been about hiking, frogs, books, orchids, and cats. She is the proud caretaker of dozens of plant pets.

Belle Boggs

The author of three books, including The Art of Waiting. She is co-author of Frog Trouble Times, a nature-focused Substack she started with her daughter Beatrice on Earth Day, 2021. Her writing has been featured in national media including the New York TimesThe AtlanticHarper’s, and The New Yorker. She has taught levels from kindergarten through graduate writing workshops and is currently a professor of English and creative writing at North Carolina State Univers

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates