Working from Home Can Get Complicated

I am telling you just like working in the public working from home can and does get complicated at times. Charlie’s best friend Tim needed a place to live because his mom was evicted from her home and she didn’t want to take Tim with her when she found a new place.

Then there was Jacquline Tim’s friend who was going to be homeless because her roommates where moving out of State. Charlie asked me if Tim and Jacquline could stay with us until they found somewhere else to stay.

Being a mom I knew I could see any child being homeless so I let tm come and stay with us. The sad part is neither of them are working so they can’t help with the bills. David is the only one working because even though I’m working I haven’t been making any money.

This is extra stressful for me which is driving me and David batty. Instead of stressing I know the LORD will take care of us so I’m going to hand everything over to the LORD and just do what I can and to do this with I’m just going to put one foot in front of the other and move forward.

As I thank David for bringing these people into our home and allowing us to take care of them. As well as picking up Mykalia Charlie’s girlfriend this week to come and stay for a week. I know and believe the LORD will help us with the money to bring her home.

Please Pray for our family and September 6th is National Read A Book Day #ReadABookDay I’m going to go get my JELLY ROLL BIOGRAPHY: American Rapper and Songwriter with Jason Deford as His Real Name and put some of his music in and just chill out for a few minutes while its quite before I begin to work.

Would you like to join me. I have Cookies and Muffins if you would like one. Although you will need to bring your own beverage unless you want Milk or Sweet Tea because he don’t have anything else. Have a wonderful week.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates